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TV wall mounting bracket


I am currently conducting research on the language requirements for a TV wall mounting bracket across all European member states. Although the TV wall mounting bracket does not possess a CE marking, the manufacturer, who is my client, ensures that the product is safe for all European consumers.
However, I have a few uncertainties that I would like to address:
1. Regarding the packaging: In your country, how many languages are required to indicate the name and purpose of the product?
2. Concerning the user guide: Should the manufacturer provide a user guide in the language of your country, even if the instructions are straightforward?
3. Regarding the printing of the user guide: I have learned that the regulations for user guides accompanying products marketed in the EU might have changed since January 1st, 2020. This implies that user guides can be provided online (rather than in printed paper versions) to consumers in areas with reasonable internet access. Is this also applicable in your country?
I understand that the response time for my queries is typically 15 working days. However, I am aware that you might currently be occupied or may not have access to the specific information I am seeking. If this is the case, I kindly request that you inform me promptly, so that I can redirect my inquiry to the appropriate expert in this field.


Please, find below the reply of the responsible body, the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, to point 1. and 2. of your enquiry.

According to the Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on the Consumer Protection, as amended (hereinafter as “the Act”), the trader is obliged to provide the consumers with user instructions in certain cases. Based on the Article 11 Section 1 of this Act, the trader is obliged to ensure that the information is comprehensibly provided to the consumers also in written manual enclosed to the product, considering that it is necessary in view of the nature of the product and the method and time of its use. Such information shall include information about the properties of the product being sold or the nature of the service being provided, as well as about the method of use, installation and maintenance of the product, the hazards associated with its incorrect use, installation or maintenance, preservation, and storage conditions and the risk associated with the provided service.
So if the criteria of necessity to provide consumers with user instruction in view of the nature of the product and the method and time of its use are met, such user instruction has to be in written form. If this information is provided in writing, it must be done in Slovak language. Also, the name and the purpose of the product shall be indicated in Slovak language.

As regards your question under point 3., the representative of the ministry indicated that she has no knowledge of such rules for user guides you mentioned in your e-mail.

In case of additional information, please address directly the Consumer Protection Department at the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, responsible for consumer protection.

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