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  2. Medical devices
  3. Import of facial masks and testing
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Import of facial masks and testing


I would like to inquire about the necessary requirements for exporting our KF-94 masks to EU member states. I have attached the manual for your reference.
To ensure compliance with EU exports, I kindly request the following information:
Cost and Duration: Could you please provide details regarding the cost and duration of the required examinations? Additionally, it would be helpful to know the number and status of samples needed for the testing process.
Material Preparation: Please advise on the materials that both our company and the manufacturer should prepare for testing and CE certification. Specifically, I would like to know the contents of the technical documents that we need to compile in order to fulfill the requirements.
Additional Requirements: If there are any other materials or documentation that we need to prepare specifically for exporting KF-94 masks to the EU, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with this information in advance.


The Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing is a state administration body and does not perform testing.
We recommend you to address directly any notified body responsible for the area of personal protective equipment. The list of such EU notified bodies can be found on following website:

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