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  1. Home
  2. Fertilizers, Mutual recognition
  3. Mutual recognition of fertilizers
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Mutual recognition of fertilizers


I would like to know if a fertilizer with microorganisms (bacteria and/or fungi) can be marketed in your country based on regulation 2019/515 of mutual recognition. If this is not possible, I would like to know the necessary means/requirements to be able to sell this type of product in the country.


According to § 2 of Act no. 136/2000 Coll. on fertilizers as amended, “fertilizer” also includes auxiliary substances, which also include microbiological preparations. However, this is a specific category, as these products can be a fertilizer, but also a plant protection product. Everything depends on the composition of the preparation, its properties and purpose of use. Unfortunately, without this more detailed information about the product, I cannot tell you more precisely. In any case, the principle of mutual recognition according to Regulation (EU) 2019/515 of the European Parliament and the Council can be applied and the product can be included in the list of mutually recognized fertilizers if it is a product (fertilizer) placed on the market in another member state in accordance with legal regulations state of the union.

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