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  3. Stop Fire Collars
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Stop Fire Collars – CE certificate


We are a trading company From Israel and would like to inquire regarding the CE certificate for one of our items – 3″ Stop Fire Collars.
We had previously approved the collars in a test lab in SLOVAKIA:
FIRES, s.r.o. – testing laboratory
and now we are in need of the CE Certificate.
Can you please advise us on where and how we can obtain this certificate?


In the Slovak Republic, the area of conformity assessment is stipulated by Act No. 56/2018 Coll. on conformity assessment of the product, making available the product on the market, and amending certain Acts (Act No 56/2018Coll.). This Act implements general requirements from the area of conformity assessment (New Legislative Framework). For your information, the bilingual (Slovak-English) list of products from the area of conformity assessment according to the Act No 56/2018 Coll. and applicable regulations is available at the following link: List of Technical regulations from the area of conformity assessment according to the Act No. 56/2018 Coll. and European legislation of the New Approach.
Before being placed on the EU market, the product must meet the requirements of the relevant technical regulations in the field of conformity assessment listed above. The product must be subject to the conformity assessment specified in the relevant technical regulation, an EU Declaration of Conformity must be issued and the CE marking must be affixed to the product.
As for the “CE marking” we recommend you to visit website of European Commission or website of Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing.
Due to lack of information we would like to ask to provide more details about your product as FIRES s.r.o. is the notified body for construction products and therefore we assume your product falls into this category. The harmonized sphere of construction products is covered by the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC as amended. For further details please contact Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic via email
In relation to the use of product as a “fire extinguisher” on the market of Slovak republic, we recommend you to contact Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic (fire prevention department).

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