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  2. Motor vehicles
  3. Vehicles with overhanging loads
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The legal requirements are for vehicles with overhanging loads


I would like to inquire about the legal requirements for vehicles with overhanging loads. Specifically, I am interested in understanding whether it is mandatory, as in many EU countries, to display a red-white square sign on such vehicles. If so, could you provide information on the requirements for the distance at which the sign should be displayed and the specifications for the sign itself? Additionally, I would like to know if it is permissible in your country to use a red-white square sign issued in compliance with the legislation of another EU country, considering that there may be variations in the design and requirements between countries (e.g., differences between Italy and Spain).


Please find below the response of the responsible authority, the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, to your enquiry and marking examples (enclosed).
In accordance with Section 51 of Act No 8/2009 Coll. on road traffic and on amendments to certain laws the maximum permissible gross weight of the vehicle, the maximum permissible weight of the combination of vehicles, the maximum permissible total weight of the trailer and the maximum permissible weight per axle of the vehicle must not be exceeded in the transport of goods.

The load shall be properly positioned, distributed and fastened/fixed in such a way as not to jeopardize the safety and smoothness of the road traffic, not to pollute or damage the road or its surroundings, not to cause excessive noise, air pollution and not to interfere with vehicle headlights and lamps, indication of the speed limit. The load shall be secured in such a way that it does not slip, overturn, fall or otherwise move freely when changing the driving speed or changing the direction of the ride of the vehicle. Objects which can be easily overlooked must not overhang the side of the vehicle. Loose material must always be covered to prevent it from being spilled on the road while driving/during the ride. Fastening/fixing of load on a vehicle of categories N, O2, O3 and O4 shall comply with the basic principles of fastening of load, which are checked during the inspection of the transportation of load within the road technical inspection according to a special regulation.

When transporting live animals, the safety of the driver and persons being transported, the safety of the animals being transported and road safety must not be jeopardized.

Loading and unloading of the material on the road is only permitted if this cannot be done off the road. The load shall be unloaded and loaded as quickly as possible and in such a way not to jeopardize road safety.

The conditions and method of marking of the overhanging load are laid down by a generally binding legal regulation issued by the Ministry of the Interior – Decree of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic No. 9/2009 Coll. implementing the Road Traffic Law and amending certain laws.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic No. 9/2009 Coll. implementing the Road Traffic Law and amending certain laws, Section 3, stipulates that the overhanging load shall be marked as follows: the load overhanging the vehicle by 40 cm or more either in front or rear of the vehicle, or the load on vehicle or vehicle combination is overhanging the side of the vehicle, the overhanging part of the load shall be marked with a reflective marking with diagonal red and white stripes wide from 70 mm to 100 mm, and pointing downwards from the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle at the angle of 45o. The minimum surface area of this marking shall be 0.20 m2, in rectangular shape with the length of the side 400 mm minimum. A bicycle or other object carried on a carrier mounted on the rear of the vehicle is also considered as an overhanging load.

The above mentioned Act as well as the Decree apply to any motor vehicle with overhanging load moving on the roads of the territory of the Slovak Republic.

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